Discernment Counseling in Atlanta, GA

Gain clarity and confidence in a direction for your marriage or relationship.

What is Discernment Counseling?

Discernment counseling is for couples on the brink of a big decision. Ultimately, the goal is to help couples decide the next direction of their marriage. Upon conclusion of discernment counseling, they will move toward one of two options. The couple might pursue divorce counseling if they decide that is the best course of action. On the other hand, they could choose to engage in marriage counseling to try and make it work.

Image of a man twisting a wedding band on his finger. This image represents the frustration felt before discernment counseling in Atlanta, GA. This can help with coparenting and deciding divorce. | 30518 | 30519

“Discernment Counseling is a safe place for spouses who may be in very different places: one leaning out the door, potentially confused and feeling guilty, and the other spouse leaning into the marriage, perhaps frantic, angry, and dysregulated.”

“The goals are clarity and confidence in a direction for the marriage, based on a deeper understanding of what has happened to the marriage and each person’s contributions to the problems.”

(William Dougherty, PhD – developer of Discernment Counseling).

Image of two people sitting on a couch with a white teacup on a coffee table. This image illustrates what a session of discernment counseling in Atlanta, GA may look like. Couples can get help with coparenting counseling and divorce decisions from a discernment therapist here. | 30024 | 30097

How does Discernment Counseling work?

First, couples will agree to come in for 1-5 two-hour counseling sessions. Each session will include individual and couple time. Then, at the end of each session, each spouse will discuss their desire for the relationship. From there, the couple will decide whether or not they will engage in another session of discernment counseling Otherwise, they will choose to pursue a different course of action. This is a safe place for you.

How do we get started?

If you two cannot agree on if you should fight for your marriage or go for divorce, this is the answer for you. Give us a call to schedule your first 2-hour session with one of our discernment therapists who are experts in this approach.

Image of a person sitting at a desk with pencils and glasses next to them. This image represents the focus partners exercise with a discernment therapist in Atlanta, GA when discussing divorce. Get help in discernment counseling and coparenting counseling here. | 30041 | 30043 | 30005

Schedule a session with a counselor.

Let us show you how easy it is to get started!

Begin Discernment Counseling in Atlanta, GA

Discernment counseling is designed for couples in which one or both partners are unsure whether to stay in the marriage or leave. At our Atlanta, GA area therapy practice, our discernment therapists have the expertise and experience to help you make these hard decisions. So, we are ready to sit with you in the pain, face life-altering decisions, and move forward with action. Know that you’re not alone in this, and we’re here for you. Ready to get started? Follow the simple steps below.

  1. Schedule your first therapy sessions here.
  2. Begin sessions with an experienced discernment therapist.
  3. Receive guidance over the next steps in your relationship and create a plan that works for your needs.

Other Therapy Services at Building Intimate Marriages

The team at Building Intimate Marriages provides multiple services to support healthy relationships. Our couples therapists offer marriage counseling and premarital counseling to get your marriage started on the right foot. Additionally, we help couples develop passionate intimacy in sex therapy. Finally, we host a multitude of intimacy workshops and seminars to nurture your relationships in a group setting. Let the team at our Atlanta, GA-area therapy practice help you in all intimate areas of your life.

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