Igniting the Spark of Sexual Passion

Image of a couple in an embrace with one another. This image depicts the connection couples find after meeting with a Christian sex therapist in Atlanta, GA. 30005

They are best friends and great parents. It is clear they love each other deeply. Still, they are confused at their lack of sexual energy. Their sexual encounters are routine and mechanical. They find themselves more as good roommates than passionate lovers. And they want to reignite the spark of sexual energy in their marriage. This scenario is not uncommon for many marriages. And the answer is found in understanding sexual polarity.

Is it true that opposites attract?

Image of a couple holding hands. This couple may have just started working with a sex therapist in atlanta, ga. See what sex therapy could do for you! | 30518 | 30519

The basic law of polarity is that opposite-charged objects attract. Therefore, like-charged objects resist. This is seen with the north and south poles of magnetic energy. It’s also found in the positive to negative flow of electrical energy. Though more complicated, author David Deida says that polarity also explains the flow of sexual energy. In the dance of the sexes, the two poles are the Masculine and the Feminine. This observation reminds us that God created us male and female (Genesis 1:27).

Masculine energy is focused and directed, driven toward accomplishing a mission or goal. This is similar to New York City. Feminine energy is open and flowing, offering a radiant invitation into the celebration of life itself. This is much like Hawaii. This dynamic is symbolized in our sexual anatomy. The male organ points and penetrates. The female organ opens and receives.

Sexual Energies

Sexual energy is about the “vibe” we give off in our relationships. This has more to do than just gender. Firstly, we know that each gender is capable of both masculine and feminine energy. Yet, we tend to be more at home near one pole or the other. This enhances the attraction toward our opposite pole. Society has worked hard toward gender equality, which in practice usually means treating men and women the same. This is great in the business world and in friendship, but not in cultivating a passionate marriage. Sameness is not sexy because it neutralizes the polarity between the masculine and the feminine. This minimizes the flow of sexual energy.

Image of couple smiling at one another. This image could depict a couple who has started sessions with a sex therapist in Atlanta, GA. Your relationship can benefit from sex therapy, too. | 30024 | 30097

When a good marriage lacks sexual energy, it’s confusing. The polarity is being neutralized. A husband might not think about initiating sex if his wife also brings a masculine energy to the marriage. If she has become one of “the guys.” Similarly, if both spouses bring a feminine energy and are receptive to sex, they grow frustrated in waiting on the other to initiate. Sexual passion requires both the masculine and the feminine pole. When both are not present, sexual energy is diminished.

If you are looking to energize your sexual life, here’s our tip. Increase the masculine-feminine of your relationship. For the masculine, this means courageously tapping into the deeper direction of your life. For the feminine, it means opening to reveal your true radiant essence with the inviting energy of Hawaii. Sexual energy flows stronger when both poles can be fully experienced. Practice magnifying sexual polarity and reigniting the spark of passion in your marriage.

Begin Sex Therapy in Atlanta, GA to Reignite the Spark

Image of couple looking happy over breakfast. This couple could have recently finished sex therapy in Atlanta, GA. Meet with a Christian sex therapist to see how it could help you, too! | 30041 | 30043If you’re reading this blog, there’s a high chance you could benefit from sex therapy. And a sex therapist at our Suwanee, GA-based counseling practice would be honored to guide you and your partner in this. Our therapists have the skills to help you and your partner increase your passion and intimacy. If you are ready to get started with sex therapy, follow the steps below.

  1. Schedule your first therapy visit here.
  2. Begin sessions with a knowledgable sex therapist.
  3. Learn more about leaning into your masculine or feminine energy to reignite the spark!

Other Services Offered at Building Intimate Marriages

Sexual passion is only one part of a fulfilling marriage. Along with sex therapy, we provide couples assistance with premarital counseling, discernment counselingaffair counseling, and divorce counseling. Additionally, our team hosts intimacy workshops and seminars to nurture your relationships in a group setting. Your sex life is just as important as the other aspects of your relationship. Let the therapists at our Atlanta, GA area therapy practice help you start thriving in your relationship.