Frequently Asked Questions
About the Passionate Intimacy Workshop
About the Passionate Intimacy Workshop
When is the next scheduled Passionate Intimacy Workshop?
If we do not have dates on the main workshop page, we do not have a workshop scheduled at present that is open to the public. Many times churches schedule workshops and do not allow couples to register who are not a part of the church. Please contact us if you would like to schedule one in your area.
How much does it cost to attend?
This changes with each location but typically runs about $175.00 per couple. We feel that’s a great price for what you get from the time. About eight hours of solid teaching from one of the leaders in the field. Not a bad price for improving your marriage.
Do I need to pre-register?
Yes, for two reasons. First, each individual will receive a workbook they will use during the workshop and a gift bag for after the workshop. We need to know how many of these to prepare which requires preregistration.
Second, we ask the host facility to set up chairs so there is space between each couple. This helps you feel a bit more intimate but also means there is room for fewer couples than normal. Due to space limitations, we highly recommend you register early.
We do not guarantee space or materials for those hoping to register at the last minute or who show up at the door without preregistration.
You recommend staying at a hotel. Why?
Local couples sometimes want to save some money by staying at home and just driving in for the workshop. While this makes sense initially, we have found that couples really loose something.
In the past we have required couples attending this workshop to stay at a local hotel (we even paid the hotel to disconnect the TV’s in all the rooms we were using). We want your spouse and marriage to be the only thing you are focused on for this weekend. Couples who drive in leave the workshop Friday evening with an assignment that is difficult to do if you are focused on getting home, taking the baby sitter home, making sure the kids are in bed and handling the routine things that will come up at home. Then in the morning you need to be up early enough to manage the kids, get the sitter and drive to the workshop. Even if the time isn’t an issue, couples focus back on family life, not on each other. Thus, you don’t receive the impact designed for this workshop.
Some of us were talking about coming together but I’m not sure. With the topic and all, I’m afraid it will be a bit embarassing to be there with friends.
It can be difficult to talk openly about sexual topics and you have expressed a very common concern. In reality, we work to make this workshop as safe as we can. In the past we have had therapists and clients, pastors and elders, bosses and employees, extended family, and close friends all attending the same workshop without embarrassment. Other than on breaks the only time couples interact is in the very beginning of the workshop. All other times couples stay focused on their spouse and their marriage. Even questions are asked anonymously by submitting question cards so you can ask your question without embarrassing yourself or your spouse.
I have some specific questions I would like to get answers to. Will we be able to ask questions at this workshop?
One of the most popular segments of the workshop is the “Ask Dr. Mike” section. All through the workshop couples will have blank question cards on their table. You can write any question you want on those cards without identifying who you are. We collect them in a box and answer them during the “Ask Dr. Mike” talk. For some groups we provide a number to text with their questions as well. Any question within our topic area is fair game.
We are having some sexual problems in our marriage. Will this workshop help?
This workshop is designed to be an enrichment workshop. That means that it is targeted for those who have a generally good marriage but want to improve it. It is not designed to replace therapy or other more specific help.
That being said, our research shows that approximately 50% of the couples attending the workshop can name a specific sexual area they would like to see significantly improved. Most of those couples do find help in the workshop. Some realize they need to seek individualized help, but others take the starter help given and expand on it.
I have additional questions about the workshop. How can I get answers?
You can call, email, or submit the form. We’ll get back with you as soon as possible. If enough people ask the same question, we’ll add it to this list.