Make it Sacred
What would happen if we established time together as a couple and made that time sacred?
What would happen if we established time together as a couple and made that time sacred?
Growing Up in a conservative Christian home, we never discussed whether we would go to church on Sunday morning. Church attendance was a given. If something came up at school or in the community that was going to occur on Sunday, I didn’t even need to consider it. Sunday morning was sacred. It was set apart for one thing only—corporate worship of the LORD.
Early in a relationship couples fight for time together. We will go out of our way to be together for even small amounts of time. Once we get to the point where we are coming home to the same place and sleeping together every night, we tend to stop fighting for that connecting time.
To keep passion alive in our marriage we must continue to fight for time together. I encourage couples to make their relationship a high priority by establishing “couple-time” and making it sacred.
For those unsure, “couple-time” is any period of time set apart for you as a couple.
That can be fun dates, working dates, connect time, couple devotions, playing together, being physically intimate, etc….any time that is designed for the two of you.
As you begin to get the analogy, you can continue the list for how you would want this time to look for you as a couple. The main point is to take it seriously and fight for that deeper connecting time. Don’t let anything, even your frustration or hurt, keep you from connecting with your partner.
This assignment is available as a PDF handout. Feel free to download and print it.