The Good News About Marriage
Would your view of marriage change if you knew the following were true?
The actual divorce rate has never gotten close to 50 percent.
Those who attend church regularly have a significantly lower divorce rate than those who don’t.

Thanksgiving Ideas
I have great memories of spending the holidays with extended family as a kid. Sitting around two ping-pong tables in my grandparents basement with a host of Uncles, Aunts, and cousins eating lots of great food. If your family get togethers…

When She Has the Stronger Sex Drive; Part One
This article was written for my friend Shaunti Feldhahn's website - Shaunti.com. It is copied here but I recommend you also view it and the comments on her website. While there, sign up for her email list. - Dr. Mike
Conflict over sexual…

Thoughts on Desire, Sin, Affairs and Being Deceived…
Some thoughts on desire, sin, affairs and being deceived while reading the book of James...
About 70% of my therapy load involves post-affair couples. One, or both, of the spouses have had an affair and they are in my office, at least in…

Where do You Choose to Fail?
I read an article a few years ago that looked at time management. The authors had calculated the amount of time it would take to complete everything we are told to do. They determined it would take someone over 30 hours to complete all the important daily tasks…