Listen to podcasts featuring Dr. Mike

Dr. Mike is a regular guest on a variety of podcasts. We’ve collected them here for you to explore. If you like one, please let the host know.

FamilyLife Today hosts David and Ann Wilson with Dr. Sytsma and Shaunti

“My Spouse Doesn’t Want Me”: Differences in Sexual Desire

Day 2 broadcast Dave and Ann Wilson hosted Dr. Sytsma and Shaunti Feldhan on the popular Familylife Today program for day 2. The focus was on information from the new book, Secrets of Sex and Marriage. Topics discussed included the different…

Pure Sex Radio – Helping Couples Walk the Path of Restoration After Sexual Betrayal

Pure Sex Radio is a podcast resource of Be Broken Ministries. Founded by Jonathan Daugherty, Be Broken Ministries is a faith-based group that "provides resources for individuals and families directly impacted by sexual brokenness." In this…

Mismatched in Sexual Desire? You May Be Closer Than You Think

Julie Slattery from Authentic Intimacy interviewed Dr. Sytsma and co-author Shaunti Feldhahn about their new book Secrets of Sex and Marriage. They begin with a brief discussion on the value of quality research in answering questions on…

Why You’re Not Having Great Married Sex and What You Can Do About It

Dr. Mike was a guest on the Relationship Prescriptions Podcast with Dr. Carol Tanksley. Dr. Carol is a licensed OB-Gyn physician and has an earned Doctor of Ministry. Today, she is an author, speaker, personal coach, and hosts a popular blog…

No More Perfect Podcast with Shaunti Feldhahn & Dr Michael Sytsma

The No More Perfect Podcast is hosted by Jill & Mark Savage. Former pastor and wife, Jill is now author of over a dozen books, two coauthored with her husband Mark. They also provide marriage coaching and speaking. In February this year…
JWJ 504 Sytsma and Degler answer questions
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Java with Julie – #504 Painful Intercourse, Fake Orgasms, And Aging Sex: Answers To The Most Popular Sex Questions

During the Reclaim conference (2022) put on by Authentic Intimacy, Juli Slattery interviewed Dr. Michael Sytsma, pastor, Licensed Professional Counselor, and Certified Sex Therapist, and Dr. Jennifer Degler, Clinical Psychologist. Questions…

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